Summer School

Summer School 2025 - A Week At Disney!

28th July - 1st August 9:30am - 3:30pm

St Margaret's Church Hall

Queens Road, Ilkley, LS29 9QL

Includes Dancing, Singing and watching some Disney Movies

with Miss Jo, Damien Poole and Charlie Murray

Our summer school is suitable for ages 7 to 21

Cost - £150 per student with a £20 Sibling Discount

Summer School Teachers
JSD Summer School is always a highlight of my son's year! He loves the positive vibe and camaraderie of the School plus getting to put on a show in a week is the icing on the cake! Cally Albrect

Extra Information 

What to Wear and Bring

  • Wear suitable dance clothing for each day with long hair tied neatly away from your face. On Friday please wear all black for the showing of work.
  • If you have dance shoes please bring them, if not bare feet is fine.
  • Bring an extra layer if the weather is cool.
  • We will not be able to allow anyone to leave to buy lunch so bring plenty of food and a water bottle, no cans of pop or nuts please, there will be a small tuck shop selling treats at lunchtime so please bring some change.

Showing of Work

  • There will be 2 Free showings of work on Friday 1st August at 12:30pm and 2:30pm.
  • We may also need to assign parents/carers to a showing of work depending on the space available.

Access and Parking

  • Access to the hall is from the external stairs - please do not use the main Church Hall door. 
  • Parents must sign their child in and out from the registration desk with Miss Charlie at the top of the external staircase.
  • Please park on Queens Road and not in Heather Court. 


Please do not send your child to summer school if they are unwell or have tested positive for COVID 19.  We will be able to set up a zoom session so that your child can be involved in the event of illness.  

Please let us know as soon as possible if your child is ill and you would like to use zoom.